Signal private messaging app
Signal private messaging app

signal private messaging app

They are doing something that may look the same on the surface, but is substantively very, very different. However, I have intentionally not put it in those terms because I don’t even want to echo the language of the alternatives. So yes, I think you could put it in those terms. We are looking at how we can actually reach the people who need to use this tech and reach the people who want a convenient messaging service, and ensure that they are able to use Signal quickly and easily, that they know about it, that when they open it up all their friends are there, and that it is a seamless and pleasant experience. One of the biggest selling points of Signal is the automatic end-to-end encryption of messages.

signal private messaging app

It has many of the features you’d expect from a messaging service, including a desktop app. We are not looking at growth hacking or adding weird features to get an inflated boost. Signal is a popular app for those looking for a privacy-focused alternative to WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger. We grow so that we can fulfill our mission. Yes, of course we want to grow, because our mission is to provide truly private communication to anyone who wants it, across the globe, at any time. I have consciously avoided some of those terms because they are so closely aligned with profit motives, and I don’t want to be misunderstood.

Signal private messaging app